Cloudy with a chance of ...WTF?
Woke up yesterday to the weather forecast - "cloudy today with a chance of snow". S.N.O.W. WTF? Now I know I live in the mountains and yes it can get cold but snow in October is just plain crazy. Let's hope that this isn't a sign of what the winter has in store for us in SW Virginia. I love a few snow days but I don't want to get socked in for days on end. Nothing like a little Monday bitchin' to start the week off right. Don't even get me started about Blogger on Friday. Oy!
Anyhoo, after many attempts, I gave up on trying to post on Friday. I love technology. I hate technology. Just depends on the day. Finally, some pictures for ya since I've been a bad blogger.
What I did this summer #44 - Made a shawl for my best friend's daughter
It was for both her 5th birthday and her christening. I used the Knitty pattern "Tie One On" and added various modifications to make it smaller. I'm happy to post the mods but would like to have one or two people test knit it first. Any takers? If so, drop me an email.
Miri hates wool so I wasn't sure she'd even consider wearing it (I used Cascade Indulgence for a small portion of it). But she loved it and prissed around in it. She's the only little girl I get to knit for so I truly enjoyed the change of pace from knitting for boys. Below are pictures of the shawl, a close up of the loom bloom pin and Miri wearing it to her special day. The Weavette is too fun for words. I see doing more with it in the future and perhaps I'll get a larger one.
Miri's Shawl
Originally uploaded by indigomuse.
Miri's Shawl
Body of Shawl - (1 skein) Cascade Indulgence and (2 skeins) Aunt Lydia's New Wave Crochet
Shawl Flower pin - Blue Sky Alpaca Silk and clear seed beads
4" Weavette loom
Needles - Denise Sizes 5, 8 and 15
Time - not sure but probably 6 - 7 hours including the weavette flower pin
Finished size
I'll have to dig those up but it fit a very petite five year old with a bit of grow room
Overall, this pattern was fun to knit and wasn't the least bit fidgety. It's a good project for a quick gift.

Shawl Pin Close-up
Originally uploaded by indigomuse.

Miri's Christening
Originally uploaded by indigomuse.
As for the here and now, there is much knitting in la casita de Muse. I hit a brick wall for most of the month of September and then had a burst of creativity over the last week or so. I've been working on some patterns and might have a couple ready in the next few weeks. If you've expressed an interest in testing knitting for me in the past, please send me an email. I'm putting a contact list together for future reference.
You'll probably see more pictures than long written posts in the immediate future. I'm enjoying reading your posts, comments and of course seeing all of your inspiring knits. Happy spinning and knitting :)
WELCOME! BACK! Missed you! So glad I'm on bloglines now to catch when you update!!!
I LOVE the shawl - and she's such a pretty little thing wearing it!
Don't leave us for so long next time...and ya know, I'd LOVE being snowed in for about a week! After all, think of all the knitting I could do!
The shawl is BEAUTIFUL!!
Great to see you...keep in touch...I MISS YOU!!!!!
What a cutie and the shawl is beautiful. Fall into winter always seems like such a crazy busy time.
The shawl is adorable and looks fantastic on her - how perfect to wear it to a Christening!
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