Knitting while quarantined
We've been under a self imposed quarantine since last weekend. The stomach bug cooties invaded la casita de Muse, hitting King Thing first. He was out of commission for almost five days. I thought that we'd dodged the bullet but then Thing 2 got Montezuma's revenge on Tuesday. Needless to say, we decided that there was too big a risk of infecting our 80 something year old grandparents and decided to sit this Thanksgiving out holed up in SW VA. While my dreams of sitting back and letting Mom fix loads of coma inducing goodness were dashed, we did celebrate in our own slothlike way by holding the couches down with me knitting (more about this in a minute) and King Thing watching three endless days of college football. Oh yeah, we did absolutely nothing last week. I did cook a fitting Thanksgiving dinner for the four of us though we all ate in moderation, completely unsure of where Montezuma would strike next. I'm probably the only person on the planet who lost weight last week because I was afraid to eat. Thing 1 and I have (knock on wood) avoided having to pray to the porcelain. I continue to wipe the house down daily with disinfectant wipes and think seriously about living in a bubble until the wave of cooties ends in the Spring.
So today my house is empty, quiet and testosterone free for the first time in 10 days. Woot! Woot! As far as catching up, I've begun to set up a list of some of the hand remedies that you've suggested that I try on my sidebar. I'll gradually add links, etc. as I find them. I've got a few of them on order and will begin to review them as they come in. In the meantime, I'll review some of the hand creams that I'm currently using.
Now back to that Thanksgiving knitting. I finished my first pair of Curiously Clever Clogs by Stitch Diva.
Curiously Clever Clogs
These were my test knit pair to see if I liked the pattern. I think they turned out great even though the first one is a bit "special" and is slightly wonky. I decided to nix the beads in favor of needle felting designs on each pair (more to come of that very soon). I shoulda ripped it out after I figured out what I was doing with the second one. Alas, I was too bull headed and decided that I'd already invested way too much time to reknit it. The only other felted footwear that I've made are the Fuzzy Feet from Knitty. They were insanely easy. These are very fidgety. I'm going to blither about these in a separate post so I don't drone on forever in this one. I love the pattern and it is well written but for visual people like me, I needed more in progress pictures so I could understand what I was doing. Maybe the turkey clouded my head. Maybe I'm just a f**ktard. Now that I've figured out what the pattern is telling me to do, I'll be making several pairs as Christmas gifts this year. Just so you can see how huge these are before you felt them, here's a shot of the pair I finished knitting for my number my Grandma next to the first pair. Dayum!

Curiously Clever Clogs before and after felting
I've got tons o' crap to update ya'll on - birthday knits, FOs, test knitters wanted, patterns coming - but don't want this post to get too long. I'll probably post quite a bit this week as I won't be around next week (out of town working again).
If you've got a minute today, go give my knit bud Heaz aka Pixiestikz a big birthday shout out. She has brightened my life in many wondrous ways. H, your friendship rescued me from some seriously loneliness. For that, I will always be grateful :) Have an awesome day filled with lots of buttercream and love!
I'm loving your clogs and plan to do a pattern search for them.
Hope you're feeling better.....
I'm so sorry you had the **YUCKS**! You should have called @ss was sittin on the couch knitting!
Love the clogs! See you on the 7th?
The clogs look great! I bought that pattern and then after looking at the pages and pages of instructions decided not to try it just yet, LOL! Looking at your finished ones makes me want to give it another shot. the pattern does look very fidgety though.
I do like those clogs. Very cute. I'm sorry that you all were sick. Glad you are all feeling better and that you got to have the house testorone-free too!
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