IndigoMuse Knits

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Scenes from the last few weeks

A few shots of what I've been up to over the last few weeks. Time sure has flown by quickly. It has been cold, really hot and now kinda chilly. I've been to the beach twice, the pool many times and got sunburned, yet again. King Thing and Thing 1 refurbished our deck and built a pergola at the beach house. We celebrated the end of the school year for the Things and are so ready to officially kick off the summer in a big way. I've been knitting a bit, spinning a ton, solar dyeing on the deck and am learning quite a bit about dyeing with natural flowers, etc. I planted a garden for the first time in ten years and have been nursing a cold for nearly two weeks. Phew! I'm tired just thinking about the past month.

Clickie if you want to see the pictures even bigger...

Thing 2's 2008 Art Project

Thing 2's year end art project

King Thing and the 2008 Pergola

The beach house pergola project with King Thing and his best bud

Rupperts Corriedale Fleece Yarn

Finished my first skein of yarn from my 2008 Maryland Sheep and Wool fleece purchase

Solar dyed BFL roving

Solar Dyed BFL bumps

Dyed BFL singles

Gradiant dyed BFL singles

Copper Penny blue solution

Solar dyeing BFL roving in Copper Penny blue solution

Morning Surf Wrap blowing in the wind

The beginnings of my Morning Surf Wrap at the beach for Father's Day

Piggie on the beach

Our piggie chillaxin on the beach with us

Thing 1 fishing in the Sunset

Thing 1 catching a croaker in the sunset at the beach


Nana Sadie said...

Wow! You HAVE been busy! Take care of that cold, okay?
LOVE the BFL singles - you're so talented...

Nikki said...

love the piggie at the beach!!!!

cate said...

Hmmmm, the guinea pig at the beach. You are a BRAVE woman. I NEED to see you soon, c

WandaWoman said...

You've been a busy girl. I love Thing 2's art projects too. Awesome