IndigoMuse Knits

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Wishing for Margaritaville

Close your eyes for a minute with me. Do you hear that? Warm ocean waves, lapping at your toes. A light breeze swirls your hair around your face, the faint chirp of seagulls. Wait there's more...I hear steel drums playing in the distance. And the smells...ahhhh, coconut tanning lotion, salt water, fresh steamed seafood. The sun is beaming down on my face and the only thing with me is a never ending margarita. No phone, no work, no kids, no problems (needle rips across the record). Dammit, it was all a dream. It only feels like I'm in the Florida Keys because I have the heat cranked up (yes all of you heat hold outs - I turned my heat on last week) to 76 degrees. Its so warm in here that I just know any second Buffet is going to show up and play some beach music just for me :)

Anyhow, since its a long time until I get to the beach again (why DON'T I live in the keys? Oh yeah, those pesky hurricanes), I might as well enjoy the fall. Here's my plug for Virginia Tourism: Everyone should come visit the Blue Ridge Parkway while the leaves are changing. It's beyond words. Plus there are lots of great towns and cities to see along the way. For more info. or if you can't make it and want a virtual tour, check out the virtual Blue Ridge. If you come through Roanoke or Salem, be sure to go to the top of Mill Mountain and visit our giant neon star. And the view ain't half bad either :)

In case you haven't noticed, I need some blog help. I just can't figure out how to fix this template so I need to either develop or seek out another one. The problem is that I'm afraid of losing my archives and I just don't want to spend tons of time working on it (it would cut into my knitting time). Anyone have suggestions?

Thanks to all who mentioned that those light bubs (that's how we say "bulbs" in the South) really work. Is there a particular brand that I should use? One kind soul even suggested the tanning bed. Do black people use tanning beds? I never have but would be willing to try if it would help me make it through the winter :) Keep in mind that this part of Virginia isn't as well, er, broad minded as other parts so I'm trying to imagine the looks that I'd get if I showed up to one of the tanning booths around town.

Finally on the knitting front, I finished a baby sock last night while watching Lost in Translation. Strange movie. Not bad, not great, just strange. I love the satisfaction though of finishing an object by the end of the evening. I need more of these instant gratification projects. I also need to do some serious stash busting this weekend and get cracking on Christmas presents for the family and friends. There are only 78 knitting days left until Christmas - yikes!

Happy knitting everyone. Jimmy and his band just pulled up out front and I need to help them unload the van. Wasting away again in Margaritaville...


Anonymous said...

Your post made me think of my fave Kenny Chesney lyric (aka the Buffet of country): With the sun and the sand and a drink in my hand with no bottom, no shoes, no shirt, no problems!

Amy Boogie said...

oh, I really could feel the sun and warm breeze. I even thought I heard the ocean but it was just the dogs drinking water...

Template changes? I have 2 things I have done. I go to my template and I copy it all and save it in word. that way if I screw it up I can at least go get the saved html and restore it. the other thing I do now is that I have a duplicate journal to play with template changes. that way I an screw around with that one til I get it right and then paste the correct code into my real journal.